<> <> (Goto z tam? Hrm. A hidden message.) <> <> <> * Zeke is in a bar! Well, kinda. A large matte grey and red exosuit is sitting in a booth in the bar. The exosuit has a few stand-out knobs on it for some unknown purpose, and the faceplate of it is a holoscreen of sorts, displaying a pale male caucasian face with light brown eyes and black hair. * Zeke has a datapad in the suit's left hand, not bothering to look at it because TSM means not having to look at things! Instead, the face will look away from just staring across into emptiness to look over the bar. And then back again. <> * Zeke is accompanied by a weird robot-insect-looking thing with a ovoid body and a pair of legs that fold the wrong way holding it up on the table. It turns its small head-like bit towards the datapad as Zeke looks down and then mentally activates the TSM to receive the call! Woo call! * Mr_Charles is on the other end! He is a dapper-looking gentleman of not-too-many years, caucasian and bearing a few tell-tale signs of being an executive. "Ah, hello?" * Zeke's holoface looks back at Mr. Charles on the holophone and replies, "You've reached Zeke Chezik. Who is this?" * Zeke's voice comes out slow and low pitched, but typing that would be annoying. Well! Just as intended then. I am Mr. Charles, and I have a business proposal. I was hoping we could meet - now, or very soon, if possible. * Zeke's face shifts into a frown. "Now would require you being in a specific place which you aren't." Ah, but I could be. I'm in Red Boston on business, which I see from your corporate newsfeed is your latest contract. * Zeke's face nods slightly. There is a newsfeed. "I am in Red Boston. Perhaps soon. What is the business?" Business of a most curious and engaging nature, the full extent of which I can reveal to you when we meet, but for now it will have to suffice to say the simple word "chainjumping". (Oh my god I just realized where this character is based off of and now I get to dance with glee) (Mr. Charles?) (Yes) * Zeke is silent a moment, as his pet flaps out a pair of large extremely thin looking wings, and then tucks them back in. Zeke replies, his face being the only slightly pleased indication of interest, "I am interested. Where and when can we meet?" (So what's the secret?) I'm in my car at the moment, it won't be any trouble to be wherever you are. Or alternatively, to take us both to circumstances more suitable to business of our sort. Robert fucking Preston, yeah) (... of course.) * Zeke replies, "You are the only one aware of the circumstances." Then wherever you are is circumstances enough. ...where are you? * Zeke replies, "The AD 17 EGGS bar at the Matzo Tog. I await your arrival." I'll be there momentarily! * Mr_Charles hangs up. * Zeke's little insect-bird tilts is head the other way as Zeke looks over and then stands, heading over to the bar. <> "Enh?" * Zeke states, face neutral, "Give me a BudMiller." <> "I take it y'all don't need no bottle opener in that thar suit." * Zeke 's simul-face tilts as he takes it, then says, "No, I do not." A very slight pause, then he says, "Give me a bottle opener." <> "You wanna put that on yer tab?" * Zeke takes the bottle opener and opens the bottle right there, replying, "Yes. Room 1737," and then puts the bottle opener down as he heads back to the table, settles down at the table, and waits. <> * Mr_Charles opens the door of the bar and strides in. He looks around the room and espies Zeke, and his face brightens. He heads over, proffering a tip of his fedora to the bartender, who casts a discerning blue-collar eye on the suited newcomer, but eventually goes back to wiping dirty glasses with a dirtier rag. Well! It's good to meet you at last. I've been a follower of your company for a few years now. * Mr_Charles holds out his hand for Zeke to shake. * Zeke tilts his head, and the face tracks Mr. Charles. He raises his hand and grips fairly normally, although with a large hand. "That is good." * Mr_Charles shakes the hand vigorously, seemingly ignoring that it's an exo. "You do some excellent work. I don't think I've ever seen a geological surveying company come up to speed this quickly before - it's like you all seem to understand the rocks themselves." He sits down, and after a moment waves his hand to the bartender and points at your drink. The bartender takes a moment, but eventually decides profit is the better part of class warfare and starts over with the bottle of beer.>> Which is, naturally, part of why I'm here today in the first place. * Zeke replies, "We are good. You anticipate needing that capability in this business." * Zeke's insect-bird is tracking Mr. Charles with its head section, tail trailing down slightl and moving around idly. Not every planet is teeming with life, you know. Take a look at the sol system - four inner metal-core planets, only one of them has life. Scans and data seem to indicate this holds true out in the big yonder as well, so someone needs to survey for mineral rights, secure rock samples, and possible settlements or even terraforming! That's your job right now, so it'd just be doing it elsewhere in the galaxy. Sure, it's not as glamorous as fighting dangerously fanged beasts, but the long-term money's in the settlement rights! * Zeke looks across the table at him, putting a hand to his insect-bird to quell it. "The risks are much higher. I would expect commensurate compensation." Naturally! As with most chainjumpers you'd be paid what amounts to a bounty - a more than reasonable sum - on the data and samples you retrieve. We of course would ask for a quota of such things, but anything above and beyond the quota you are free to sell to the highest bidder. * Zeke is silent a moment, then says, "When would this employment begin?" Soon! Soon. Sometime this month, hopefully, but we'll of course provide you with enough time to finish out any other obligations or make preparations for your prolonged absences. * Zeke nods slightly, both face and head, then plasters a smile on the simul-face as he replies, "I provisionally accept your offer of employment, given that we can negotiate reasonable terms." * Mr_Charles grins. Unlike the barkeep his smile is genuine and quite engaging. "Excellent! Truly excellent. I'll have the boys in legal send you a contract you can look over, and hash out the details. I have to say I am positively thrilled you're joining our team, Mr. Chezik." * Zeke replies in his slow, somewhat monotone voice, "It is an exciting opportunity." Of course! Of course. * Mr_Charles finishes the rest of his beer - when the hell did he drink any of it? And yet it's almost gone - and stands up. "I'll take care of the bill, sir. Welcome aboard!" With that he strides over to the bartender, quickly thumbs a credchip and hands it to him, then walks out, whistling as he goes. <> * Zeke tracks Mr. Charles out, then looks to the bartender, his simul-face smiling, before he looks back to his datapad, rests it in his left hand, and begins to do exactly what he was doing before. The insect-bird makes another flutter as he does. <> (EXCITING) <>