<> (*NO SIGNAL*) <> <> <> ( http://k-y.com/men/ -- *uncontrollable giggling* ) <> <> (Sign me up for info!) * Zeke is there early, standing there with a pad in hand. His case must already be on the ship. His bird, unfortunately, is not. (I've been eagerly ingesting all I can find) (Did I actually get a decoder ring or anything?) (Ha!) (I download it all to my iRedPhone Touch) (Alright that was snarky BUT I certainly get as portable a database as is feasible.) < taking it in stride.>> (Amadeus got here something like an hour early and has been setting up shop in the ship, if anyone else was both that early and inside.) * Lexi wanders onto the ship her bag floating behind her as usual. Today she is dressed in black leather pants and boots and a pink tank top. "Helloooo everyone! Good morning!" * Zeke looks away from his pad, down to her, and replies to her greeting with, "You are excited. As normal." << http://www.projectrho.com/HabHYG15ly.gif <- for reference, you're looking at GI 447, circled, 3.4 parsecs below Sol.>> <> * Tomas has arrived early as well and can be found organizing the sample containers in the cargo bay, "Hey Lexi" (Wait! One more. Just to get it out there, 1 parsec = 3.26 light years) * Kyle wanders over to the ship and grins. "Hey guys, 'sup?" He's wearing cargo pants and a workshirt, toolbelt over his shoulder and backpack stacked up, ready to greasemonkey it up. <> * Amadeus pokes his head up from the floor below. He's awake and excited, if the grin on his face is any indication, and his glasses are almost off his nose. "Oh, good. Kyle, would you mind helping me move something?" Huh? Yeah, sure. Thanks. * Amadeus disappears by going back down again. Poof! * Kyle goes into the ship after the Prof to help, uh, move stuff? (I promise I will get a floor plan drawn up for the ship sometime soon.) * Hestia arrives fashionably late, reading something off whatever passes for a datapad in the ATCverse. * Tomas peers down into the hatch, "What're you doing down there, A-Man?" (Yeah, and if you screw up, I'ma fail you!) (Graph paper hates everyone.) * Amadeus calls up to Tomas, "Rearranging the equipment in my new home. And making sure it works." (I apologize for the crudity of this model, I didn't have time to build it to scale. [/1 pt]) (Is that Zoolander? I want it to be Zoolander.) (Tomas crushed by Red Russian orbital cow.) And I don't know where you got this 'A-Man' thing from, but I appreciate you not refer to me as such to interviewers later! Geeze prof, lighten up. * Amadeus might respond to Kyle, but by then they're out of earshot. (SORRY. I failed my save versus Lexi's make-up-names-that-everybody-uses power) * Lexi settles into her quarters again and begins to float things out of her bag and put them in the rightful places while she lounges around. (Psh, I don't care. I think it's hilarious! ;P) <> (answering the door to get dinner) (Did you order enough for everyone?) (no, go hungry) (Silly Tia, that gains you no XP) (I SEW UP MY OWN WOUDNS) (Dude, I get exp for that? I'm rippin' them out and sewing them up again!) * Hestia manages to walk into the ship just as that exchange is going on, and glances at Amadeus and Tomas, away from her data thingy. "The truth is, it's looking as if the public will give you some sort of ridiculous nickname whether you like it or not, Professor." (I'm not there. ^^;) I hope I get something good like Scar or Blaze. (Then I am shouting it in your direction. Or raising my voice. ladies don't shout.) * Zeke follows in after Hestia, saying, "Everyone has arrived." (Shouting will v. likely get you heard throughout the ship.) (Then I simply project from the diaphragm, which ladies are allowed to do.) (I didn't realize Tia was ladylike) (Right down to the laser sight on my gun. It's pink.) (Because we all know if it were blue, I would be a boy.) (Clearly.) (Let me know when you're done, er. Socializing.) * Hestia turns around and gives Zeke the same look she always gives him, which basically amounts to 'why is one of our crew members the Bebop Cola machine?', before turning back around and heading to the map room. (BEBOP! COLA! GOOOOD!) * Zeke looks to Tomas after Hestia leaves, and says slowly, "She must not like obvious statements." (Hey, dispense a can of Mingus Dew at high enough velocity, that is going to sting.) (I'm ready to move forward when others are!) (I'm good!) (Seconded.) (Let'sa go!) (Onward!) (She's coveting my salsa.) <> (Sure!) (Hya) (Yes.) (I got a 404.) <> <> * Hestia is looking at star charts, and does indeed notice this fact. Anyone in the map room with her notices that she does, in fact, stand up and remove her sidearm from her hip holster, cock the slide, and put it back. (Zeke tastes like 000100010111101010100101.) * Tomas makes a confused eye at Tia as he passes her on his way to the bridge. <