<> <> * Kyle is typing away on his computerbox and sipping whatever it is you'd drink for coffee. Probably some fruity + strong decaf, just for the oxymoronic value. * Kyle checks who's calling his phone! <> * Kyle answers the phone. "Momma! What's up? I don't need another fruitcake, but thanks for offering." <> "... Kyle, honey, it's not true, is it?" * Kyle blinks. "Is what true? Did some tabloid reporters get around the ship again?" "They're saying horrible things about you on TVNet, Kyle. That you made some alien birds very angry, and there's going to be another war." Wait, what? WHAT? * Kyle turns on TVNet. <> <> * Kyle facepalms. "I, uh... that's not right. That's totally not right. You gotta believe me momma, we didn't start a war or whatever it is they're calling it. We ran into some aliens and they're really xenophobic, so we left. That was it." "And you didn't wake them up out of cryogenic sleep by trying to break into all their ruins like the reporters said?" Hell no! We left and told the authorities what was up and not to go there. They were movin' around when we saw them and they weren't to happy to see us, so we left. They said they'd stay there anyways, so I don't know what this 'galactic war' they're talking about is. <> "I'm glad, I was so worried. I knew I'd raised a nice boy, and they were saying such horrible things..." <> * Kyle uses whatever it is that lets him see outside, and closes up his computer, storing it away incase he needs to make a getaway. I got someone at the door momma. I love you, just... I might not get to talk for a while. <> * Kyle talks over the com. "What is it?" <> "... Okay, baby. Be careful. I love you." I will momma. "Kyle Maksimov? We'd like to have a word with you." Sure, sure. Come on in. * Kyle sticks his laptop in his backpack and buzzes them in. <> "We'd like to ask you to come with us back to GalReg. Certain parties have very important questions for you." Can't you just ask me questions here? I'm not too comfortable going outside with the whole media circus going on. And, to be honest, I really don't like the idea of being grilled for something I didn't do. You'll get to hear about it all when I finish my blog post, though. * Kyle glances down and quick-dials the Prof. "Sir, blog posts are hardly valid testimony. And it's difficult to corroborate stories when you're not all in the same place." <> "Please don't make this harder than it needs to be." Alright, look. I'd at least like to talk to a few people I know first. Can you give me a moment? <> "As long as it is not one of your crew members." * Kyle raises an eyebrow. "What does it matter to you?" "We need to make sure your stories are as isolated as possible. Don't you watch cop dramas?" What, are you TRYING to make me think you're imposters now? "No, of course not. But the principles apply. Please, don't let us stop you, make your call, but hurry. There are dozens of reporters outside." * Kyle talks over the phone, looking at the suits. "Hey man. There are some suits here and a media circus outside. You guys have a plan or something? Don't tell me what you think happened, don't want it to, ahem, ruin my testimony." Look, I don't know how doable that'd be. If you wanted to do that you woulda needed to do that, like, ten minutes ago. (If you want you can just talk over there and I'll paste it in here when I cut he log) <> "Sir? Can you please finish up?" Yeah, hold on. One more person, I can't go without telling my mom where I'm going. She'll freak. * Kyle blinks. "Where am I going anyways?" * Kyle hangs up his phone and waits for them to answer before calling his mom. "GalReg, which is in Red Atlanta." * Kyle nods and calls up his mother, putting his head to the phone. <> "Kyle?" "Hey momma. There are some guys in business suits who came to have me answer some questions. I don't know when I'll be back, so I just wanted you to know. I'm going to GalReg in Red Atlanta, or at least that's what they're saying." "Okay, honey. Call me as soon as you can." "I will. Take care of Felecia for me, okay?" "I will. Love you." "Love you momma." * Kyle hangs up. Well. Shall we be going? "Yes. Let us go." <> * Kyle hefts his backpack, containing his touchpad and more potent computerbox, and gets up and starts walking out. <> * Kyle doesn't even motion as he slowly walks, just sort of glances over at one of them. <> * Kyle looks at the other guard, doing the same to him, then sprints up the stairs. (actually, scratch that.) (Plan: I fly! Amadeus magattaches to the bottom of the ship, grabs Kyle, we fly off!) * Kyle sprints up the stairs. <> (Oh man, you're relying on my strength? We're doomed!) (It's awesome and stupid and very action movie which is why we're doing it.) (Okay!) (I'll have you know I only agreed to this at implied gunpoint.) (It's to shoot the goons!) * Kyle will look over the roof once he gets to the top, scoping for someone with an appropriate power set. (Unless YOU want to shoot them and fly the ship!) <> <> (Should the prof and I be posing in here too or waiting?) <> * Kyle sighs. "I'm gonna regret this" and grabs the two powers. His legs suddenly go bent-backwards, Kyle grimacing for a few moments at the change, and he bulks up slightly. * Hestia is standing on the loading ramp, also in magnetic boots, and priming her pistol. "So here's the plan. I'm going to take us illegally low, and you're going to grab Kyle, and then we're going to fly off." <> * Amadeus lets out a long breath. "Okay... that doesn't sound COMPLETELY crazy. Just mostly." He removes his glasses and sets them on the coffee table, clanking int he boots for the appropriate exit. "Let's go then." * Kyle just sort of GLARES at the guard. <> <> * Amadeus is... outside, on the bottom with magnetic boots? One of the doors to the cargo hold is open, too, and he waves for Kyle. * Hestia hits the seal on the boots and lets the landing ramp down. She is... sweating a little bit. "This... is a lot harder than it looks, by the way." *swhump!* * Kyle gets ready to jump! <> * Amadeus waits until they're close enough, then yells, "JUMP!" oh god, they're going to crash and burn and die. (There's people on the roof with Kyle, yes?) * Hestia just... lays down suppression fire. Ha ha haaaaaa. *blamblamblamblam* * Kyle jumps like wut! Holy shit how the hell did he do that?! <> * Amadeus yells, "What the fuck, Tia, you're not supposed to be KILLING people!" And then Kyle soars over him onto the ramp, and he just... uh, gets back in the ship. Kyle can sure jump. (Suppression fire means NEAR people, not AT them >_>) (It wasn't ironic suppression fire, I was trying to get them to back off.) (Amadeus doesn't now the difference! D:<) (I knocked them back. I'm awesome like that.) <> * Hestia pulls the ship AWAY once it's clear that doing so isn't going to drop Kyle out of Amadeus' grasp. ~ I didn't kill anybody, get a grip. ~ * Amadeus would apologize, but he's still a little shaken up, so instead he goes about finding his glasses again. * Kyle walks in, strange-legs and all. "Hey, where's Lexi?" * Amadeus finds his glasses and puts them on his face. "Ah... She's, um. Tomas and Zeke are getting her." Oh, cool. Also. WHAT THE FUCK were they thinking?! Got me. They have to put the blame somewhere, I suppose. * Hestia finishes shedding the mag boots and comes in from the cargo bay. The ship is flying! With nobody on the bridge, haha! "Why is it that the first time I start really having fun on this job is on Mars, after the conspiracy that hired us blows up in our faces?" I can't tell you. * Amadeus is removing his boots himself. I got no clue. (Want to meet up with everyone else? I don't have much. ^^) (Sure.) (Please.) <>