<> <> <> <> (Also, it probably is the most entertianing.) (Indeed.) <> * Hestia is just standing in the lounge, running her hands through her hair and looking frustrated. * Zeke , after having picked up Lexi, is back in the lounge area. He says, "They do not seem to have severely overreacted. We should communicate with GalReg." (Is it obvious to us that's who was after Kyle?) (Kyle would presumably have told you his account, and the agents identified themselves to him, so yes.) * Hestia turns toward Zeke with an incredulous expression. "Er, yes. Let's. 'Hi there, we've got that guy you tried to kidnap, do you want him?'" * Zeke looks back at her. "They are the... regulatory body, yes? It seems likely they wished to question him, which indicates a lack of information." You're awfully earnest. I'm guessing it comes from living in a box. * Tomas shrugs, "At worst they'll ... continue to chase after us. At best we get some more information on what's going on." * Zeke frowns slightly. "I would like to return to exploring the galaxy. That will not happen until this is resolved." I love that 'they'll continue to chase after us' is your 'at worst'. Are you suggesting they'll shoot laser beams at us through the phone? They can certainly track us, which would make the whole point of warping into nowhere to get some breathing room moot. * Zeke looks between the two of them, then says, "If we do not clarify, they will only have the information they have now, and that information does not seem to be positive to everyone else." * Hestia flops herself down on the couch and looks up at the other two. "Look. I'm fine with getting in touch with GalReg once we're on equal footing. But they're going to ask a lot of questions to which our answers are going to have to be 'I don't know', because we don't. And if I were them, I wouldn't be satisfied with 'I don't know'." * Zeke tilts his head. "What questions do we not know the answers to?" >Robin< Oh shit! For starters, where the hell our information was coming from. * Hestia holds up the sleythinpedia pad. "And do you want to explain this to them?" Our information came from Preston. We didn't even have that when we met the Duekti. * Zeke adds, "Why would they be asking us about that? The concern here is our response to the Duekti." (UGH YOU ARE FOOOOLS. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLS.) (Possibly!) * Hestia just holds her face with her hands for a moment, then leans back and looks at the ceiling for a moment before leaning forward and then standing back up. "Fine. Whatever. Call them, invite them over for tea, I don't even care. But not until I establish some way to encrypt our location from the transmission. Agreed?" I wouldn't expect anything else. * Zeke holo-nods slightly. "That is a reasonable precaution." * Hestia looks around. "The way I'd do it on Mars would work in space, but it'd mean hacking into one of the most closely guarded networks that exists and is, you know, ridiculously illegal." (Wait. Where are we?) (In space!) (In space?) (Mars orbit.) (Around Marsish.) (I'd assumed we were still at a remote rendezvous on Mars.) (oh hey. Box text.) (You arrived there and took off. Harder to find a moving target.) * Zeke tilts his head. "I am uncertain if adding to our issues is necessary. Is there another countermeasure?" (There's always meeting at a location of your choice.) Yeah. Do it on Mars. But we need somewhere decidedly out of the way... (AHAHAHA as winamp starts up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDSISJlS9_s) <> (snrk.) (So we're going to call the police from a truck stop.) (Then get Red Thelma and Red Louise to Olympus Mons.) (Then get Red ... Kirk ... to ... the shipyards which were supposed to be on Mars anyhow.) (zomg AU fic ahoy) (SOMEBODY SAY SOMETHING) (Hestia still seemed to be thinking!) * Tomas nods at Hestia, "Yes. Out of the way." * Hestia suddenly smirks. "Ha. Alright. I can think of something." * Hestia heads for the bridge! <> (We're heading for a bridge?) (The bridge!) * Tomas follows Tia to the bridge to help with map looking. * Hestia sits in the pilot chair and starts inputting course corrections. Why? Because if she doesn't this will take all night. <> * Zeke does not follow, because that is boring. But there's two drones waiting up there when they get there. (The bridge!) (gonna kill those things) (Uh... the remotest airstop that's on the night side of the planet ATM) (And I do have the actual piloting skill and thus will not send us spiralling into the Sun.) (It's good to have!) <> * Hestia flies! For great vodka! <> (Better idea: We leave it above the bubble and take the lander) (oh crap. I'm going to find me an egg salad sandwich in a vending machine.) (Hovering by itself?) (I can control the ship at range. Not that you know that.) (Lexi, Kyle, and Amadeus are on the ship.) (Oh, right.) <> (But since atmospheric thrusters are NOISY, no, I was going to land it outside the bubble under cover) (For given values of 'under cover') (So you're taking the lander, parking it outside the air bubble, and walking in?) (Nah, might as well park in the bubble if it's just the lander.) (Okay.) * Hestia explains this whole process to Tomas and Zeke on approach so that we can whiz through it. <> * Zeke clomps out... and 3 drones come out to stay on the surface of the lander, birdsect still on his shoulder. Clomp clomp clomp. * Hestia has a seat on a park bench and starts programming a trace blocker. "So which of you two is going to be doing the talking?" I am willing to discuss the situation with them. (Now that they're not gonna kidnap me and take me to a secret location.) (and experiment... on... you...) (*calls them herself* HE IS RIGHT HERE COME AND GET HIM OH YES) (My drones on the ship do not approve.) (They will make excellent modern sculpture. *fires blowtorch*) (So how hard is this thing I am doing, Cham.) (Not very, sorry. In this day and age it's practically a shell script.) * Hestia finishes typing, producing a datacard that she hands in Zeke's direction. "Enjoy. As far as the public terminal is concerned, you're calling from a payphone in Red Mexico City." * Zeke takes the datacard and nods slightly, before going to the data terminal. Does it have a video camera, because we might have to disable that. <> (Hey, Tomas, got some food that will stick it up?) (I would never waste such fine cuisine for such a pedestrian purpose.) (Nah, I'm just kiddin', let's use tape.) < <> * Tomas does inspect the vending machines, but sniffs condescendingly and joins Zeke. * Zeke puts in the datacard and makes the call, then. Helloooo Galreg. <> "Hello and thank you for calling the Galactic Registry. If you know your party's extension, please enter it now. Otherwise, please indicate whether you'd like to enter the automated TVNet data system, or if you'd like to speak to an operator." * Hestia sits back to let events unfold. (... operator sounds good.) * Zeke replies, "Speak to an operator." "Connecting you with an operator now." <> "Hello, my name is Tinata, what can I do for you today." We are the crew of the Fate Breaker. GalReg wishes to speak with us. <> "Are you for real?" Yes. I am Zeke Chezik. <> "Uh, uh, hold on, Mr. Chezik, I'll ... here you go, I'll transfer you to Director Antima. Uh, please hold?" <> * Hestia glances at the logo, then at Zeke. * Zeke looks over at Hestia. (Whuf. I guess to bed at 8am/up at 2pm for the past week just caught up with me all in one go.) Well? We are on hold for the Director. (It's okay, we won't run much past the conversation.) <>" Mr, uh, Mr. Chezik? I'm afraid we must have a bad connection, your video's not coming through." <> * Zeke replies, "Yes, it is not. The device must be somehow vandalized. I believe you have questions you wished to ask of us." "I don't mean to be rude, but it's awfully convenient you called. How are we sure it's supposed to be you?" (... it's actually you. Stupid english.) I am aware of the entirety of our report, but I do not know what you have released to the press. You may ask me questions from it until you are satisfied. "Well, it's actually fairly simple... who's your employer?" (HA.) (FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLS.) (I don't know Preston's last name.) (But it is the only one we know.) (Charles.) (Preston Preston) * Zeke tilts his holohead. "Preston Charles is our employer." Or the only representative therof that we have had contact with. "That's good enough for me. If you're an imposter you're a well-read one. Why ... did YOU call US?" Because we wish to answer your questions. You seem to be interested in gathering details, and it is to our benefit that you have an accurate picture. <> "Okay, okay, so... we have an excerpted data feed from your suits from the... Due-kti? The Duekti planet. Did you know what you'd stumbled into?" No. We had no conception that the Duekti were still alive until they approached us. All of the other planets in the system lacked Duekti, but had some degree of ruins. This made living Duekti unlikely. "But it looks like you took pains to restore some of the devices in the ruins. Why?" (Walphin planet name?) (Aqueon.) As we did on Aqueon, we desired to maximize our exploration. This is also why we spent multiple days in the system. There were significant blocking doors and devices, as on Aqueon, that we needed to pass. "And the did the dangers of exploration never occur to you? You didn't fully explore the ruins on Aqueon, at least not until you went back later." <> The multiple abandoned planets made it extremely unlikely that there were Duekti still alive. Otherwise, why would they abandon their nearby planets? There were still live defensive systems, but we were able to defend ourselves. You cannot deny that the Duekti's existance was extremely unlikely, and their response also unlikely. * Zeke's birdsect is looking around and up as Zeke monotones the hell out of the call. "But you went THROUGH those defense systems! You walked right through one that could have been live! How is that any kind of responsible?" On multiple planets we have been attacked by living organisms, notably Metallica. The defensive systems of a dead race are no more hazardous, and may be less so. * Hestia seems to be listening with great amusement if only because she's heard Zeke tell his first outright lie. * Zeke tilts his head, not that they can see it. "If you wish all chainjumpers to not engage dangerous situations, that should be part of your regulations." "You're the only ones who've encountered anything like this - and twice, I might add. My questions about THAT are reserved for your employer, if we can ever find him, either. It wasn't part of the regulations because who could have predicted it?" <> "For what it's worth I think you didn't do it on purpose, but you have to admit, calling me from Red Mexico on a videoless connection doesn't inspire confidence..." * Zeke replies, "We are protecting our further existance. The actions of the corporations and press do not inspire confidence in a neutral interest. Despite that, we are interested in talking to you." <> I assume you're not interested in coming in for a more personal chat? Ah well. We've never had to do anything like this before, and I'll have to run it by the board, but consider yourself on a two-month suspension. We won't try to ground you, but we will NOT accept anything you submit for an employer. Who, by the way, we're still interested in talkiing to." * Zeke tilts his head again. "If you would clarify what you mean by 'submit for an employer'. And if possible, we will alert him to your desires." "If you chainjump, we won't take the samples, which means whoever pays you for the jump won't get the claim, which means they won't make any money off it, and presumably won't pay you either. That clear enough?" Ah. Yes. * Zeke then adds, "I have no difficulties with a prolonged discussion of happenings and policy, but... we are a crew, and so had to be cautious as a group. I am certain you understand." (We should have sent them a Max Headroom videofeed.) (Yessss.) <> "I do, but this ... nobody bothered to plan for disturbing an alien army. What were the odds?" <> "Let Mr. Charles know about our interest in speaking to him, if you hear from him. I'd say we'll be in touch, but you've been ignoring our comms to your ship. So I guess all I'll say is, call back sometime soon." <> (She totally wants your black void.) * Zeke replies, "Again, the media concerns made such a conversation risky. Perhaps the risk has lowered, or will shortly." We will certainly communicate regarding our status, and if this conversation continues then, that would be reasonable. (Zeke wants a second date.) (On the third they will exchange communication protocols.) (theirloveissonegotiated) (Dude. Family channel.) (z_z) "Alright, Fate Breaker. I'll call off our hounds. I can't promise anything about the media, though we'll try our best." The effort is appreciated. * Zeke pauses a moment, then adds, "Thank you for your time, Director." "My pleasure, Mr. Chezik. GalReg out." <> * Zeke hangs up and detapes the monitor. * Hestia waits for the logo to vanish and the call to be done, before turning to Zeke and standing up, collecting her things. "You can give us the lowdown on the way back to the ship." * Zeke looks to Hestia and replies, "Yes." A pause, then, "GalReg seems to accept our explanation, and has temporarily suspended us for two months, making us unable to submit results for registration and subsequent payment." * Zeke pauses, then adds, "Provisionally." * Hestia hmphs. "Could be worse. I bet they want to know who was responsible for our assignments as much as we do." They indicated that as well, yes. * Hestia starts up the lander as they walk toward it, the cabin door opening. "Well. That's two months to find out, then." The result may be better than that. She seems to want more discussion, and the result may improve with such discussion. * Zeke pauses, then adds, "If that is acceptable." * Hestia raises an eyebrow. "Depends on what we find, I think." The desire for discussion... did not seem limited to our employers. * Hestia just... looks at Zeke for a long, long moment. Eventually, she breaks the tension by getting in the lander's pilot seat, though she is unable to keep a smirk off her face. * Zeke can't explain any better than that as he and his drones re-load up! (It's a good thing the head of GalReg is actually a genetically-engineered genius mouse trying to take over Mars in a robot suit.) (No wonder they can bond so well.) (Pose as you like until you're done, I have nothing more tonight.) (so we fly back and prepare to be capitain exposition two weeks from nowwwwwwwwwwww) (do I get a cape) (no) (dammit i hate you) (Unless these two got more I'm bailing for sleep) (Ditto.) (Seems like that time.) <>