<> <> < t about helping you. An airlock can be a valuable convincing tool.>> <> (We're in the Fate Breaker, hiding behind a lamp post.) (Sneaky!) (Zeke has no strong preference.) (Not A Spaceship Crew; Actually An Ice Cream Maker) (Also he's not sneaky.) (Do we have the tracking software up on the big screen or what?) (Anyhow if we're going anime influence I'm standing on top of the radio tower while the wind blows my hair around.) (She is: The Major.) (Do you like ice cream? We have an awesome new flavor!) (Just uh, get in my van. It's in my van.) (PS: Tomas is not allowed a van.) (ANYWAY.) (Where will I live?) (Apparently a closet, like people think Zeke does.) <> * Hestia is nearby in a cafe, because that's how this works. She is usefully getting updates from the tracking thingy without having need of a computer. (We can put it up on THE VIEWSCREEN for people who aren't Hestia and I.) (And that aren't sneaking around.) * Zeke is in the Fate Breaker, putting up sensor data on THE VIEWSCREEN. * Kyle looks at THE VIEWSCREEN. * Amadeus is in the Fate Breaker and checking out said sensor data, because he's not sneaky and Tia kind of scares him a lot of the time. * Tomas enters from the galley with a huge tub of popcorn and takes a seat in front of the view screen then claps twice his hands to dim the lights, "Do we have an ETA on this bogey, Z?" (Tomas: doesn't find voice control futuristic enough, uses the clapper.) (We had to skimp somewhere to pay for the fucking lab.) * Zeke replies, "We do not know, that is the basic principle behind this method of communication." <> * Tomas talks through a mouthful of popcorn, "Hopefully it won't be too long." * Hestia gets up and pays her tab. She's wearing the standard overcoat that's the 'cloak' in 'cloak and dagger'. The spaceport must be within walking distance! Otherwise why the hell would she even BE here? ~ I'm going to observe. Just in case. ~ * Tomas nods slowly, keeping a keen eye on the screen. (Other people can be with Tia if they want!) (Though Lexi is the only undeclared one.) (LEXI IS THE BUG) (it all makes sennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnse) (She's very flexible to fit in that suitcase.) * Zeke comms back to Hestia, ~Perhaps you will see a butterfly.~ ~ Rather not, thank you. ~ <> (There. Sorry. Had to report attendance to the First Year Student Attendance monitoring somethingsomething) (Yea verily and I say to you, the oracle of zeke says that Lexi will kill her father and marry... well, some person who knows with her.) (*shoves Zeke outside with a popsicle, slams the door after him*) (wai :|) * Hestia frowns, looking around. ~ And there they are, on schedule. Whoever it is must be coming to make the pickup. ~ * Lexi will be in the Fate Breaker. She's the pilot and stuff. <> ~You see somebody?~ * Hestia puts her hand on her gun, under the coat. ~ I'm sending a feed back to you. See what you can do with the guy who just picked up the box. I'm going to follow him. ~ * Zeke displays the other feed. It's all window-in-window and shit. We've got 90's tech, yeah. (Anyone else wanna handle this one?) (I ain't got no video analysis chip in my head.) <> <> (USE THE INTERNET) (ZOOM AND ENHANCE, JESUS.) (ZOOM! ENHANCE!) (If CSI can do it, we should be able to in the god damned future!) (Yeah, we just need to look at him from the front.) (Find a reflective surface or a water droplet!) (You're all fired.) * Amadeus frowns and stands for a better look - he has pretty good vision. * Zeke replies to Hestia, ~There are not many details.~ * Kyle tries to get a good look at it from the ship. "Maybe she could get a better angle?" <> * Tomas points excitedly at the screen, "It's moving!" ~ No kidding? ~ * Hestia follows nonchalantly. It is clear to whoever is watching that she has SOME experience tailing individuals, apparently. <> * Hestia keeps walking, in a seemingly random direction, looking pretty much anywhere else. <> * Zeke's head tilts to the side and, after a moment, he comments, ~The figure appears to have... technology to interface with the unconscious bug.~ <> Is that why he's walking like he's drugged. ... Possibly. There's something. How many people on Mars have a complexion like that? * Hestia raises an eyebrow, turning from a news kiosk and back to following once it's clear he's not looking her way. ~ So if I tackle him in a back alley I'm not going to have to fight off our decoy, am I? ~ * Kyle whistles. "Blue skin. Not many." ~ It is unlikely. ~ <> (hahaha. You're cribbing from the smurf guy?) (Someone else can google.) * Kyle goes ahead and googles! After all, google is the wave of the future. <> * Zeke communicates, after Kyle gets his results, ~ The symptoms match colloidal silicon plus, which is consistent. ~ That particular guy isn't famous, but... yech, I wouldn't want that much Si+ swimming around in my body. * Hestia keeps walking, oh so nonchalantly. Gotta be some place to ambush him once they're out of public eye. ~ Okay, if he's doing this to get some sort of... alien Si+ high harvesting it from random Bugs, I'm going to be really grossed out. ~ Should one or two of us meet up with you, in case he's... somethin' else? My aunt swears by colloidal Si+. She's...yeah. * Lexi shrugs. "To each his or her own." * Zeke brings up a hand to idly touch the birdsect on his shoulder. ~That would be an extremely involved operation.~ * Amadeus flicks his eyes in a pattern and comments, "Complete crapshoot. Collodial Si+, I mean. There's been no consistent, documented effects from that procedure in any journals I know of." So I can't say, for certain, what that man can do - or not do - as a result of that treatment at all. (TODAY'S FUN FACT: MILK IS A COMMON COLLOID YOU ENCOUNTER) ha. Doesn't deter the quacks on late night TVNet though. <> (OH SHI-) ~ I've heard rumors that if it doesn't outright kill you, you can get some neat tri... god damnit. ~ Oh, there are *rumors*... well. I can say that since this man is still walking, there's a decent chance he has psychic abilities of some sort. Pre- or post-treatment? Yeah, I'm bettin' he's got some kinda mojo goin'. Pre. Likely an SCA mutation. He'd pretty much need it to still be standing. * Hestia looks at the lock on the door. There's so many ways to deal with locks. Which shall she choose today? ~ Exactly what I wanted to hear. One of you is going to come back me up here, right? ~ (How far off is he now?) (she*) * Amadeus frowns a little, flicks his eyes some, and says, "In addition, THAT much in his system, plus the... hang on, let me check something." Another pause and more eye flicking, and he continues: "Yes, plus the psychic abilities he likely already has would mean he has a decent chance to control Si+ computers." <> * Kyle steps away from the viewscreen and heads to the lander. "I'll go help out, hopefully I can put'em under without a fight." * Tomas sprints behind Kyle, "On the way, T." ~ I will remain with the ship. My flying drone will accompany. ~ * Amadeus nods. "Good luck," he says to those leaving. ~ Controlling computers psychically? That's ridiculous. ~ (The universe is now more ironic. By 0.0001 Morisettes) * Kyle gets his commincations setup. ~I wouldn't find it ridiculous. I know someone who can read computer information psychically.~ * Zeke's birdsect flies off to grab onto Tomas' shoulder. He's got a friend! It does not tickles. (IS someone going with to pilot the lander away or are you just going to leave it parked illegally?) * Tomas jerks as the bird lands on his shoulder, but he continues toward the shuttle as he stares at it in bewilderment. (Double parked in a handicap space.) * Hestia briefly turns away from the door, for some reason. In the background, there's a few electronic noises, a beep, and then the click of the door opening, which Tia turns back to. ~ Wide world and all that. Now to find the bastard again... ~ <> (Is this a full on chase at this point or are we still being stealthy?) ~ Alright. I can either keep tracking him or try to herd him toward you three. Thoughts? ~ (I am assuming YOU are charging in, and Tia is still being stealthy.) ~Can you get him our way without him realizing it?~ ~ If given sufficient time, if he is capable of... activating the drone, then you may have it to deal with. ~ ~ I think I can manage to do it without him noticing. Maybe. ~ ~Herd him our way if you can. We don't want to lose him to a plane. Kyle and I should be able to nab him.~ <> * Hestia starts walking... a little slower. Just enough to keep pace with him, but clearly she's got something on her mind. <> (Can the surveillance devices hear?) (Or me, for that matter?) <> "Whuchu need?" * Hestia is standing still at this point. When she does speak, her voice is a little strained. ~ He thinks he's conversing with some curious custom officials. ~ * Tomas chortles, ~Nice. Which way are you pushing him?~ "Th' box? Just rocks. Samples ah stuff." (Uh, if you're here, just go GET him.) (We are here!) (oh. We're that close. I didn't think we were on top of you.) * Tomas turns to Kyle and raises an eyebrow, ~Ready? I'll come from the left.~ * Kyle eyes him. ~You want me to knock him out or do we want to question him?~ ~ At this point as long as we're not chasing him through an airport, I don't even care. ~ * Tomas raises his eyebrow farther, ~If you can just knock him out without killing him from here, do that.~ "Don't think I'druther go, 've got places the be." ("Hypocrisy is an homage that vice pays to virtue." Really, Japan?) (... odd.) (We can call Kyle the KO Kid.) (XD) <> <> (2d6 + ACV !) * Kyle raises an eyebrow. ~He's got something really wacky going on his system. I've never seen someone react like THAT.~ (Where's the demonbot.) (...I have an ACV here somewhere.) (I got it!) (Dicebot me, barkeep.) (I bet Saka's dice are on, FYI) 2d6+6 (Nope!) (Oh, guess not. Well good, no double rollspam.) (Sakafail.) (... wow, no dicey in any channel.) (... oh, right, ND pinged.) (And never came back.) (... are you shitting me? We finally have combat and there's _no dice_?) (...) (so uh. Should I grab my dice bag?) (Yes.) (We'll do this old school, you're big boys and girls) (You realize I'm in my PACKED APARTMENT, right?) (use the mud?) (Packed with dice?) (Team Zeke: 10.) (Team Tomas: 12) (Team Kyle: 19 (Yes, I just rolled 12)) (Tia: 15) (Psychovenusian Hillbilly: 13) <> <> * Kyle stays standing and glances at the guy. He concentrates for a moment, but otherwise doesn't do anything. (Blind/deafen, 13 undetectable) <> <> (Uhhhhh I don't even know how BESM 3rd works.) (So I will do the best thing I can and maintain the illusion and take no other actions!) <> <> ~ He is fighting the air. This situation is increasingly odd. ~ (I have hit numbers! 2d6 base roll?) (Yes.) * Hestia concentrates on having the 'guards' react realistically to the guy's actions! Problematically this means that to outside observation she appears to be standing there doing nothing but staring at him. ~ Come now, Mr. Box, you should know better than that. ~ (I'm looking to knock the guy out, not kill him. Just in case.) ~He's... He's got somethin' going on his body that's keeping him awake. That isn't normally.~ * Amadeus blinks at that. "Something in his body?" * Tomas charges at the hillbilly, rearing back with his right arm activating the concussion charge in his fist and letting loose... (12 to hit?) ~Yeah, somethin' non-organic.~ <> (*victory fanfare*) <> * Hestia stops once it's clear the guy's out like a light, putting a hand to her breastbone and breathing out. "That is a workout sometimes..." * Kyle walks up to the guy. ~I need to get a treanchcoat and shades.~ * Tomas stands and cracks his knuckles (however that works with cybernetic knuckles), then heads over and hoists the bluebilly over his shoulder, ~We should get out of here before we attract any attention.~ ~Sure.~ * Hestia goes to retrieve the container! Hum de dum, don't mind us, security. * Kyle looks around to see if there's any security coming. <> (Sorry, trying to keep things moving along.) (Okay, so they brought back the guy?) (Yup.) (Bluebilly GET) (Yus!) (WE GOT A DUDE) (DUDE GET!) (YOU GOT THE THING! (Dude x1)) (Bring in the gimp!) * Amadeus enters the cargo bay to see what they brought back. He lets out a loooong breath. Hey Prof! * Amadeus waves to Kyle. "I see you brought him back." * Lexi looks over. "How'd it go?" * Hestia slips off her coat. "As well as can be expected." * Kyle looks puzzled. "He's got somethin' goin' on in his body that's not normal that kept him up. Maybe cyber or nanites or somethin'." * Amadeus frowns. "Perhaps like with the director of ErichTech?" <> He certainly TALKS like an alien. Or someone from Twilight City. The two are hardly distinguishable. * Amadeus moves to get a good look at the guy. Anything he can tell that he couldn't before? * Zeke follows Amadeus, the birdsect moving off of Tomas and delivering unto Zeke one of the butterflies, before settling on his shoulder. * Zeke looks down at the butterfly with a frown on his holoface. < <> ... Dude. He's Venusian. I remember that accent, I heard it all the time when I was workin' there. * Amadeus nods absently. "No cyber." <> Means he almost definitely has control over Si+ from the collidial treatments. * Amadeus rubs at his chin and then adjusts his glasses, looking up to the others. "What's the plan?" Yeah, I think he's psychic, if only a little. * Hestia looks at the man like he's got the PLAGUE, then abruptly grabs control of the case with the recon drone Bug. "Going to go check the feed," she mutters, and walks off with it if someone else hasn't. * Zeke looks up from the butterfly at Hestia oddly. "For what?" Stuff. Vague, yet accurate. * Amadeus goes back to looking at the guy. "Shouldn't we move him somewhere... more comfortable, maybe?" * Hestia says, as she's walking away, "No." * Amadeus frowns. He doesn't argue, though. Tia might shoot him. * Kyle watches Hestia walk off. "Well." * Zeke lets Hestia take the case and looks back at him. "If he is able to use his capabilities, it is best to make certain that he has no nearby targets." <> * Amadeus nods. What do you think about that potential? (Also took myself out of the scene a bit to pack, sorry.) A hundred yards at most, I think. So make sure he's got no Si+ stuff within 100 yards? * Zeke's birdsect takes off down a corridor as Zeke nods. "It seems best to minimize his opportunities. I hope that he will have significant information, and not be another... cut-out." Could just be a hired goon. That seems unlikely. The butterflies were a significant common factor. Speakin' of those, where are they now? I have retrieved one. The rest reverted to butterfly-like behavior. * Amadeus makes a vague 'huh' noise, then says, "To be safe, yes. It would be wise to keep Si+ out of a hundred yard radius." <> <> * Zeke wraps the insect in his palm, so the guy can't make it fly away or anything. It appears he will be waking shortly. <> (Yes, this is true.) * Tomas arrives wearing an apron and carrying a plate full of fresh, warm banana nut muffins, "Is he awake yet? I think I may have hit him a little too hard, so I made him some muffins." (Quick, where is Tomas' rope stash.) No, and Tia's requesting we don't move him somewhere more comfortable, so feeding him muffins might get you killed. Or at least evil looks. (My Handy Haversack filled to the capacity with rope is in another castle.) (All I have is metal. Don't make me bend metal around him.) (SUPERMAN THAT BITCH) (I will call you Bender Bending Rodriguez.) (Senoritas indeed.) * Tomas stares blankly for a moment, "I suppose you guys can have them instead." * Zeke walks over to him and says, "Tomas, find something that will effectively bind him." (MORE AWAKE MUSIC, ACOUSTIC MAKE ME SLEEPY) * Tomas starts, "oh, ok", and sets the muffin platter on a nearby crate before heading to the rope pile to get some rope to tie the bluebilly up with rope. <> "Y'ALL? This is y'all's deal?" * Amadeus raises an eyebrow and says, flatly, "I think the question is what is your deal?" <> "I got no deal." (How much later are we going?) (I dunno, I'm kinda tired.) (I would love to finish this up tonight. If people are tired we can take it to next week.) That seems unlikely. You are clearly hiring chainjumpers to repeatedly capture deactivated bugs. * Hestia is leaning on the doorframe of the entrance to the room from the main part of the ship. "Look. I don't know about these guys, because they're a lot nicer than I am, but I personally want to know what the hell you're doing collecting Bugs, and frankly, I'm perfectly happy to put a bullet in your ball joints one at a time until you talk." * Amadeus glances at Tia and says, "She will, too," before backing off. * Kyle lets the guys talk. * Tomas stands straighter and crosses his arms, "What do you want with the dead bugs?" "Ain't DEAD. Just sleepin'. Makes 'em into friends, see?" You wake them up and keep them as pets? I'd imagine they could do all sorts of things... if he could control them. Smarter'n dogs, don't crap none on the floor. Not pets, friends. Do you and the bugs have other friends? * Amadeus looks simultaneously disgusted and disturbed by this entire idea. Four. Four's our friend. Gave us a good name, he's gonna take us to the stars. Name? * Zeke tilts his holohead at this strange concept. (What are these 'friends'.) Four? He gave you a good... 'name'? Gene! That's the new name. (ha ha. I hate you.) * Hestia frowns, the light dawning a little. She steps into the room. "Did he give good names to others, too? Friends of yours?" (... what?) (A general statement.) <> "No! He keeps 'em all." Who's Four? He's... Four! He's lotsa people. * Merilan has quit (Quit: ) At least four? This is going nowhere. (It's feeling too late to try to coax information out of a guy with the mind of a four year old.) (Don't do drugs, kids.) * Zeke speaks up to say, "Four is singular and is most likely a proper name." <> "Four taught us! Before Four we got only budderfies! He tells us to go get friends, we get friends from boxes in spaceports!" What did he teach you? (It is awfully late, we can finish the last of this up next week if people are drained.) (Nog.) (I really have to learn that it's impossible for me to run and play at the same time x.x) (and I suddenly regress 10 years to the mud days.) (REGRESSION) (Yeah, don't try to run/play simultaneously) (.... yes. Don't do this thing.) <>