<> <> <> * Amadeus doesn't notice Tia emerging! He is swamped in piles of reading material. * Tomas is in the galley not licking walls, so doesn't see Tia emerge. * Hestia never emerged! The narration is a sham! (You went all the way back to the galley? ._.) (He's impatient.) (I read that as being back on the ship. Fine. I'll lick some wals and cradles.) * Zeke does love his metal. Woo woo. He looks up to Tia fairly immediately as she reemerges. * Tomas looks up from the wall he's examining as Tia arrives, then resumes his activities. * Hestia seems... a little subdued compared to normal, but otherwise no different. "Well then... let's go." * Lexi shrugs at Tia. "So... did you work out dinner plans or whatever you were doing?" * Hestia smirks. "Something like that. I got the location for that homeworld." Hm? Good to hear. * Amadeus still looks distracted, his eyes flicking back and forth as he's jacked into his datapad. * Zeke frowns a moment at Hestia's response, then asks, "Is that all?" * Hestia shrugs. "It was enough for me." (Back to the ship, then?) (Yes? At this rate I'll just take it and fly off without them e_ea) (Seems so.) * Zeke still frowns at her, after her response. <> * Amadeus looks around on the way back, recording. * Tomas examines the random device as they pass, but otherwise keeps up with the others <> * Hestia also looks at the devices with curiosity, but she seems to be pretty intent on getting back to the ship. * Amadeus gets in the ship! And heads to the map room, for that's where he belongs at times like these. * Zeke's drones all gather up as he also goes to the ship. <> * Hestia enters the map room once it seems like things are underway, looking at Amadeus. "Something you guys aren't telling me? Or are you just getting bored with all the alien civilizations?" Hm? I'm sorry, I was just trying to process all of the information that particular alien civilization gave me, and it's damn near impossible. Amazing stuff. * Hestia has a seat. "It is at that." So I promise you, *I'm* not getting bored of alien civilizations. I could spend the rest of my life on one alone. You? * Lexi plops down in the cockpit. * Hestia takes a deep breath. "This one was different than the others to me..." A pause, then a shrug. "I suppose it doesn't matter." What'cha mean different? * Amadeus looks at Hestia curiously, then asks, "Because of the psychic aspect of their society and technology?" * Hestia shakes her head. "Because of how they ended up. At least with races the Bugs wiped out, we KNOW. These guys... nothing." * Amadeus nods. <> That is a good point, they poofed before the Bugs got'em. (Probably need to stop at Mars to at least report. Then we can follow up Tia's thing?) (Definitely gotta hit the Mars.) Think we should call in with GalReg? We got a lot goin' on here. ...I don't think we should wait. * Hestia glances off to the side. "Think about it. What if the duekti combat bots made it to Mars and interdicted it? If the tech that can get through it is on the Guuub homeworld, I think we should go get it." * Kyle nods. "Let's move then." * Amadeus frowns a little at Tia, but nods when Kyle speaks up. "I suppose we'll have to report afterwards." How long would it take for us to reg back what we've found, though? I mean, this is kinda important, if we don't get back with the stuff someone else will too. (Err, someone else will have to.) * Hestia raises an eyebrow at that. "Really? You think someone is going to find the planet you'd need the sleythin star data to think is interesting? Besides, I thought you people were gung-ho about saving the human race." If someone else 'discovers' an alien race, then they can take the credit. Tia's right; this could be more important than a report... as much as I hate to say it. Besides, I have the data right here - that's what's important, and we can share it once we return. A'ight. <> (Mars is good!) <> * Tomas nods at Amadeus, "We need to find this thing before the Duekti make another visit to Mars. To Guuuuuuub!" (What's the matter, Zeke Sanders... CHICKEN?) * Zeke frowns moreso in response to the idea, then says, "I do not like the concept of doing this without backup, but it is... a reasonable concern." * Tomas shrugs, "The place was glassed centuries ago." I think the ATC's got some battleships or somethin' to protect Mars in the meantime, anyways. I mean, hell, if we ripped up that one ship, imagine what they could probably do. I'm worried those PIs will adapt. <> * Hestia glances at the window out onto space. "We could... try my telegraph idea." But that's a longshot and a half. What've we got to lose? * Zeke looks at Kyle oddly, then replies, "Many things." * Zeke is silent a moment, then says, "The time is reasonable. We can attempt to see if anything survived the Cxxkrchk assault." I mean by tryin' the telegraph thing Hestai's mentioning * Zeke squints at Kyle. "There is no reason not to simply go back to Mars and deliver a quick message if we are going to do such a thing." Either we should go forward, or return to Mars. Maybe you guys are keepin' something from me then, 'cuz I don't even know what the hell her idea is. * Hestia glances at Zeke for a moment before looking back at Kyle. "We... oscillate the phlogiston. Basically sending a Morse code-style message that someone monitoring phlogiston in a given area could identify. You can't send a doctoral dissertation but an 'all is well' is doable." But we'd be sending it into the dark and have no idea who might see it, let alone decode it. * Kyle thinks. "Yeah, that'd take more time than just heading back to Mars, wouldn't it?" No, because we can do it on the way. <> Is there any point with nobody watching for it? Would the techs working out Phlogiston forecasts even notice there's something there to try to decode? Why do we even need to check in at all? I think we'd best move, regardless. Can you give me the location of this planet, Tia? Got a point. If nobody's looking, how would they get the signal. I suggested this as an alternative so we could get going already. Let's get rolling. * Hestia has indeed helpfully added the location for Guuub into the mission computer so the Normandy^WBreaker can go any time. (XD) (We need to go strip-mine some planets.) <> * Amadeus sleeps. He's still human. * Kyle sleeps as well! * Zeke might sleep, but the drones are busy doing ship stuff! <> ...well I'll be damned. * Amadeus whistles lowly and starts recording data. * Tomas's mouth falls slightly agape as the trees come into view. Well... shit man, that's some massive trees. (Are their leaves green?) <> <> * Zeke states, "That does not look like a razed planet." * Hestia crosses her arms. "The PI never said they were razed. Just that they left." How long ago did it say they left? If they left, the bugs wouldn't have a reason to raze the planet, right? * Hestia shuts her eyes for a moment. About two thousand years ago. The troylae disappeared about 50 years later. * Zeke mms, then nods slightly. <> <> Anything down there's going to be pretty deteriorated, then. * Tomas peels his face off the porthole glass, "Let's get down there and have a look." * Zeke nods and says, "There is no reason to waste time." * Hestia looks at the planet. "Maybe the lander. I doubt we want to take the ship through that." (Lander or ship?) (Lander seems reasonable!) (Lander go!) It does seem likely to be difficult. < within a certain radius of the massive trees make a sudden spike in height. The lack of a fast planetary spin means a relatively low coriolis effect, and not much cloud movement or weather changes. Which is fine, since it's pretty much raining everywhere most of the time anyhow.>> * Amadeus scans. "This is really quite beautiful." * Kyle takes tons of pictures. "It's so freakin' COOL." It is wet. * Kyle deadpan looks at Zeke, then comments to Lexi. "Does he take EVERYTHING literally?" I was not disputing your claim. The amount of water combined with the amount of time adds a higher risk of technology degredation. Depending on the technology. The PI seemed to think the Guuub were quite highly advanced. They probably had building material that resisted the wet. Yeah, they coulda built stuff like the Sleythin did. * Zeke doesn't respond to that, although the birdsect keeps looking at Kyle. * Kyle either doesn't notice or doesn't care. * Zeke states, after a little of the flying, "With no ruins or cities, the large trees seem the likeliest places to begin our search." I agree. (Let's move a get on!) <> <> ... AGAIN? Well... that solves that mystery, somewhat. Sort of. (That should probably be everything for tonight.) Do you think we just need to walk in a figure eight, moaning to reverse the interdiction? * Zeke nods slightly. "It does not solve it at all, but it does connect the planets." (I wasn't here. These are mupploths?) (Sloppets.) (There was a door with mobius infinity thing on it. We pried the door open and found a pendant/emblem of that same symbol, which I hope Amadeus still has.) (There was also a virus which is probably killing all of us now.) (Yeah, last poses, it's bedtime) (I'd hope we'd detect the virus again.) (I got mine in!) I... doubt it, Tomas. (There, that's good!) * Hestia watches. She didn't meet the mupploths! This should be gloriously stupid! <>